Thursday, August 23, 2012

Descriptions of Brown Grass, Circa Summer 2012

I do not know why things are the way they are,
they just are,

just like the fact that your life did not work out the way you thought it would,
or the way you wanted it to,

just like when I called and told you I had news to share,
and you had that feeling in your gut after it was good,
that the good news was bad because you had, in fact, prepared for the bad

Maybe you are just the voyeur you denied you were,
maybe you are,

just like the fact that we took our health for granted,
until we were too sick to grant ourself any more time to get to the bottom of it

just like when you said you did not want to see the storm,
but deep down, you really wanted to see the electric blue

I do not know why decades elapsed faster than days,
sometimes minutes

at a time,
that is all I know for now,
as a time

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