Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Cackling Calamity of Calliope's Columbarium

She was very proud of the cleanliness of that room
and how when the light shown through the stain glassed ceilings,
there were never any rays of dust

They were comforting now
these lonely pillars
and they were her real friends
who never questioned her
who never saw her for her compulsions

But they were resenting that room and its keeper
after all, they had never asked for these shoe boxes
and this was less than the catafalques they imagined for themselves

They wondered why she was the author of their epitaphs
One by one across the aisles,
they read them back to each other
and scoffed at the peurile nature of the living

They giggled so hard that one day,
with Calliope front and center,
they shattered their little glass houses
and elbowed their way out for a grand tumbling
the tumble of all tumbles

And they blanketed that quarter with all their might
and they buried the childish Calliope
right then and there

sitting pretty
with the last of laughs


  1. :)

    KEEP ON CACKLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. haha, that is crazy Sam. Once again this reminds me of the The Casque of amontillado. You seem inherently drawn to this story. There was another piece you wrote not so long ago that reminded me of it as well:

